Unname in a single file all chunks, or alternatively only unname the chunknames with a given prefix. In both cases, the chunk name "setup" is preserved, that chunk is never unnamed.

unname_chunks(path, chunk_name_prefix = NULL)

unname_all_chunks(path, chunk_name_prefix = NULL)



Path to file


Character string with prefix of chunknames that will be removed. Default: NULL (indicating all chunknames will be removed except the one named `setup`)


When using namer, please check the edits before pushing them to your code base. Such automatic chunk labelling is best paired with version control.


# remove all chunklabels except the one named 'setup' temp_file_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "test1.Rmd") file.copy(system.file("examples", "example4.Rmd", package = "namer"), temp_file_path, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
unname_chunks(temp_file_path) if(interactive()){ file.edit(temp_file_path) } # remove all chunk labels starting with 'example4' temp_file_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "test2.Rmd") file.copy(system.file("examples", "example4.Rmd", package = "namer"), temp_file_path, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
unname_chunks(temp_file_path,chunk_name_prefix='example4') if(interactive()){ file.edit(temp_file_path) }