Custom training

You don’t build a business. You build people, and people build the business.

Data science is a team sport and needs many people in your organisation to have the required skills. Investing in training your existing staff helps ensure you can get the necessary skill sets whilst being able to build better data products as your people know your organisation and its data.

If one of our bundles doesn’t fit the bill for what you need, we can develop a custom training solution based on our existing training and extend it into specific areas you need covered, or use your organisation’s data to ensure people get practice working with their data.

Schedule a call

Picking the custom content

We offer training in the core competencies of data science. You can pick and choose days of training that build up skills to a given level in a day.


We try to offer these using “levels”; the higher the level, the more prior knowledge and experience is expected.

By using levels that take a day, it becomes much easier to build a course that suits your specific needs, at the level you need, and that lasts as long as is required.

Further customisation

If blending existing training isn’t quite right, you can even customise further still.

Available training

Data wrangling

Area Foundation Beginner Intermediate Advanced Executive
Data wrangling in SQL
Building a database for analysis
Data wrangling in R
Data wrangling in Python
Effective Excel
Integrating R and SQL Server
Integrating Python and SQL Server
ETL in R
ETL in Python


Area Foundation Beginner Intermediate Advanced Executive
The modeling process
Predicting numeric values
Natual Language Processing
AzureML for data science
Microsoft Cognitive Services in R
Microsoft Cognitive Services in Python
Reproducible analysis in R
Reproducible analysis in Python
Using H2O with R
Using H2O with Python
Using Spark with R
Using Spark with Python
Using Microsoft ML Server


Area Foundation Beginner Intermediate Advanced Executive
Effective Excel
Reproducible analysis in R
Reproducible analysis in Python
Static data visualisation in R
Static data visualisation in Python
Interactive data visualisation in R
Interactive data visualisation in Python
Analytical documents in R
Analytical documents in Python
Dashboards in R
Dashboards in Python
Combining R and Power BI
Combining Python and Power BI


Area Foundation Beginner Intermediate Advanced Executive
R and other programming languages
Integrating R and SQL Server
Integrating Python and SQL Server
Scaling R
Scaling Python
ETL in R
ETL in Python
Reusable code in R
Reusable code in Python
Testing & deploying R code
Testing & deploying Python code
Analytics and Docker
Building databases
Building distributed ETL on Azure
Microsoft Cognitive Services in C#
Managing R infrastructure
Managing Python infrastructure
Managing a data science team

Data science processes

Area Foundation Beginner Intermediate Advanced Executive
The modeling process
Managing R infrastructure
Managing Python infrastructure
Managing a data science team
Get in touch